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drip daddy

english rapper who raps like his life depends on it

( he's also very nice - nice boi)

"can i get a massagie?"
"yes of course drip daddy"

"barz barz barz"

"Raa drip daddy that was so good"

by vapeybabey November 14, 2022

Drip Daddy


Zafar is a HUGE drip daddy

by Yamotha97 February 3, 2022

Drip Theory

Another way of saying that a person has drip. Drip theory is a theory in which all principles of having drip are met; a person is wearing 3 or more items that make them drippy.

Damn man, he has the chain, the ring, and the watch. He's definitely got Drip Theory.

by DESIGNERWEAR October 12, 2022

Drip Theory

Another form of "having drip" or "being drippy"; usually consisting of 3 or more articles of flashy/expensive/shiney jewelry. A theory in which a set principles are based on the amount of jewelry a person is wearing in close proximity of eachother on that person's body; usually consisting of 3 or more peices.

"DAMN! Dude has 3 watches on his wrist, he's definitely got drip theory."

"Are you gonna have a drip theory for tonight's party?"

by DESIGNERWEAR October 13, 2022

Body Drip

When someone’s body makes everything look good

Man his fit was ugly but his body drip made it fire

by No it’s not that December 25, 2019

drip different

Simply just not one of them. You have that shit on. Dripping, but on a different level.

Yeah that’s Trent over there. He drip different.

by TickleYaToesT December 6, 2022

What's the drip

What's the drip is a super cool way to tell people what's up, you'll feel like a true bro after using "da power of the drip".
Enjoy the respect the peasents give you after you say it.

Super cool man: Yo guys what's the drip broskies
Peasents: **he's so friggin cool**

by SinMoon February 18, 2021