Other wise known as wannabe. Someone who either A: tries to fit in and fails miserably. B: Someone who tries to be different and fails miserably. C: Someone who does both and fails miserably. This is the typically poser.
Type One (The Faux Gansta)
Sags his jeans incredibly low.
Brags about how many "bitches" he has fucked.
Talks about how gansta he is although the only rap the poser guys listen to is lil wayne.
Cusses 7 times in one sentence
Completely disrespects everyone around him OR kisses everyone's ass as a desperate attempt to get people to like him
Makes up stories about getting high and fighting
Lives in a suburb or high class neighborhood but talks about how tough it is
Type 2 (Emo Poser):
Talks about how tough life is
Claims to write poetry and deep music but really doesn't
Has tons of eyeliner and/or eyeshadow
Talks about "haters" constantly
Gets into fights on facebook constantly
Is a self-proclaimed tomboy, emo, skater girl when she is in fact a girly-girl
Talks about how hard life is after their boyfriend of 1 day breaks up with them
Has a Failed Scene Haircut
Wears gobs of makeup
Is obsessed with the most popular music at the time
Well those are the basics. For a perfect example of a girl poser look up jessi slaughter.
*Non-poser Signs In On IM*
EMOhottie651: I'm relly depressed. Lyke my mom wouldn't let me have the new CD, OMG, what a bitch!
NonPoser: Well for one emos would never say that they are emo and you are not depressed just having a whiny temper tantrum. GTFO.
"Life´s Poser" is a term proposed by the acclaimed writer Odranreb Aìugurm in 1349 with his book "Zoology of modern society". This term refers to people who are Posers but from all of the things that constitute life.
My best friend´s ex-girlfriend is a life's poser, she always wants attention.
A type of dipshit who always claims to like a rock band or artist but has no clue what they do and who they are. Also they suck at guitar and steal other poeple's shit just to make them look good. The best they can play is a pentatonic, no more than that, if anything possibly 4 difficult bar chords.
These kind of people are much more into Guns N Roses or Metallica but can't even name on single song.
Me: Yo bro is that a Metallica pick??? You like metal too?
Poser: Yeah absolutely I do!
Me: Name 3 of your favorite songs!
Poser: uhh, ummm, i dunno, like sandman whatever? i dunno bro
Me: Fuck you pathetic guitar poser! Get outta my face
A form of fetish that glorifies the fetishization and dressing of "Posers" in a Sub-Cultural setting. Goth, Punk, Emo, etc.
Have you seen Erin Micklow recently? she's all Poser'd Up
I'd love to poser' up that chick i see all the time at Punk shows, she seems innocent enough.
Up the Poser'-Ups!
Someone that pretends to be an underdog in life despite never having been one.
The Cinderella poser lives in a nicer house than her siblings, comes from a bigger house than her siblings, and has been to every one of her childhood friends' weddings, yet still always claims to be an underdog whenever there is a sports game or something she is desperate to win (with her spoiled rotten sense of injustice and disadvantages in life) . She claims that she was an underdog to the people she claims were in line in front of her/in her way, when in reality they weren't in line for anything, they weren't trying to become royalty (rich and powerful) like she was.
Somebody with a spoiled rotten middle class sense of desperate and urgency, usually in reference to winning sports games.
The Cinderella poser loved to preach about desperation and being one of the marginalized folks, but she didn't actually know anything about being desperate or marginalized from life experience, which is why she was the worst kind of senseless person, the kind that didn't know she wasn't an unbearable enemy, or that she had no common sense.
Someone that never really had to fight/work too hard for anything in life, but still wants the image of somebody that really did those things for show to the world.
The Cinderella poser always had someone else come help/save her if the going started to get tough, or if she started to get beat. She doesn't really know anything about loss, which is why she was never a true Cinderella in the first place.