soccer is the best sport ever if you don't believe me search it up. Soccer is a game to bring everyone together. It is an amazing game.
wow soccer is so fun
soccer is the best sport in the world search it up
Supposed to be a great sport, but everyone who plays is too cocky and stuck up for their own good.
Person 1: have you seen ... I think she plays soccer
Person 2: ya its obvious she's way too cocky and annoying, I don't want to be around her
Me- I play soccer" ----- Man with shirt rolled up to make a bra runs at me.
The worlds worst sport in the world yet played by millions. Those millions who have played soccer before are a little on the slow side if they have not yet realized soccer is clearly a pussy sport. If you're looking for a non pussy sport, play basketball. By the way, SOCCER FUCKING SUCKS
Son says: hey dad can we go play some soccer?
Dad says: no son soccer is for pussys and shouldn't even be considered a sport, play basketball instead. And I'm neglecting you as a child for even considering playing soccer