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Al bateen academy

Al bateen academy a school bunch of hot dumbass’s. Bunch of dumbass teachers who make you study a bunch of nonsense which never comes in exams. And students always have good smell however the school always smells like paint.

Damn you smell good are you in al Bateen academy?

by Your sad Af October 30, 2018

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

my bb al

Al is one of the greatest people to exist.When I tell you, he's so kind.Not to mention how cool they are🀩🀩 She's also funny and gorgeous.Btw the words they use a lot are:Pp and Ugh
(She's hot and better than u😹)
p.s:don't copy them or he'll tell on u😊

i love my bb al πŸ€ͺ😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜»πŸ˜˜πŸ€©πŸ˜‹

by skyeπŸ˜‹ January 16, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tired-al Wave

Tired-al waves tend to hit an individual suddenly and unexpectedly, particularly after prolonged periods of work or fun-having. Many people describe how they feel quite energetic in one moment and the next they are hit by a wave of exhaustion. This is a tired-al wave.

John; Dude that marathon was awesome, I could do it all again.

Jim; No probs dude, let's go!

John; Oh no, wait, major tired-al wave...sorry I'm going home

by Rosh82 June 14, 2011

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Al Gore

The man we all came to know and loathe in the 1980's, forgot about in the 1990's and sometimes wish had become president in 2000 (providing his anal-retentive wife, Tipper, could keep her mouth shut for 4-to-8-years!)
Having grown bored with censorship and warning labels, he has directed all his efforts to lecturing us about global warming (AKA: "climate change"), which may (or may not) be an impending catastrophie.

Al Gore: The man who gave us the PMRC, warning labels on record albums, boring autobiographies, tedious movies, false claims-to-fame, and Manbearpig.

by Ozymandius December 18, 2010

16πŸ‘ 324πŸ‘Ž

Bashar al-Assad

The current dictator president of Syria. Elected over and over again with 99.99% votes even though 70% of the population hates him. Directly caused the death and displacement of tens of millions of innocent families. If you talk ill of him once, you'll be found dead the next day, or get jailed up years without anyone knowing where you went. Perfect example of a corrupt sociopath dictator.

Bashar al-Assad will burn in Hell.

by Siin August 15, 2016

104πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž

Al Gore Rhythm

When a service knows so much about your taste in music that they start recommending tracks that perfectly fit what you like to listen to.

This recommended Spotify playlist is al gore rhythm! It hasn’t missed - every song so far is either already a favorite or is something I never heard before but now love.

by rj_inthe412 April 23, 2021

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

corat al ayn

My bfffff....i love her sooo much

she just rocksssss

she is just ...awesome!


by Bor3y December 8, 2004

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