One of those insults you come up with on the spot to try and get that darn bully to just leave you alone already. Though it turns out it just gets you made fun of worse, but your friends thought it was funny so you just use it to describe people you don't like.
Friend: Hey do you know Destiny?
You: Ew, yeah. She's a Hoe Bucket.
A list of things you have done and/or will do that day. Related to the term "bucket list". Instead of being a list of experiences or achievements to experience in a lifetime, it's instead a list for the day.
Could be extended to week, month or year in a bucket, too (e.g. week in a bucket).
This morning I went grocery shopping, this afternoon I'll do some gardening and tonight go bowling. And that's my day in a bucket.
Being obsessed with cuddling. In fact never being able to hit a home run and cudle yourselves into the friend zone. Although still more of a man than allen baker, 30yr old prude/virin.
Only one could wonder why steve is such a cuddle buckets.
flirting, caking,spitting game
yo dawg i was blue bucketing this fine ho but then her boyfriend walked in
A yuck bucket is a person who smokes meth but not only does a yuck bucket smokes meth. A yuck bucket doesn't brush their teeth while doing so, so the combination gives them the name yuck bucket.
That yuck bucket over there.
Term for quarters, coins, only silver coins
Yo son, you got water buckets!? I gotta pay the meter!
A dumb fuck who doesn't think before he acts.
You ran me over in your car you nob bucket