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Eagle Flight

A sexual position in which Billy does all the work.

"Hey girl, wanna fuck?"
"Yeah, only if it's Eagle Flight" Girl lays down and does nothing.

by 7seven7seven January 3, 2013

Horny eagle

Blake eicharfson

Bailee: hwy blake you are an horny eagle
Blake: NoOoOo

by Blakeisahonryeagle July 22, 2019

Horny eagle

Blake Richardson

Bailee: hey blake you are an horny eagle
Blake: NoOoOOo

by Blakeisahonryeagle July 22, 2019

eagle has shit


Eagle has shit!!.......

by September 6, 2021

Eagle Foods

An American food manufacturer based in Cleveland, Ohio. The company was established in 2015 by Paul Smucker Wagstaff after acquiring ownership of the Borden canned milk brands (Eagle Brand, Magnolia, Milnot, PET). Also a comfort food manufacturer

Eagle Foods is the best.

by SPrice1980 November 30, 2022

Eagle Foods

an American food manufacturer based in Cleveland, Ohio.

Hamburger Helper is a packaged food product from Eagle Foods. As boxed, it consists of a dried carbohydrate (often pasta or rice), with powdered seasonings contained in a packet.

by SPrice1980 May 8, 2023

Gay Bald Eagle

When Bald Jesus and Muscular Twat Waffle's lust for each other has reached its peak and they can no longer hold back. Bald Jesus spreads Muscular Twat Waffle wide open, on their shared desk, and goes to town. Pumping him full of his unicorn juices all in the hopes that Muscular Twat Waffle will white claw all over his face.

Bald Jesus: I Gay Bald Eagled with Muscular Twat Waffle last night, he saw the father, the son and the holy ghost.

by DoingTheLordsWork January 28, 2023