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odor eater sandwich

sexual- a woman gets a cracker of her choice and scrapes out the dick cheese of an uncircumcised guy then eats it before she sucks him off

Susie always uses a Ritz cracker when she makes an odor eater sandwich

by Hungry Hannah January 12, 2018

Pork Rind Eater

A southern term for a trashy African American or Trashy tweaker/white trash.

Look over there, he looks like he’s a pork rind eater.

That homeless guy looks like a pork rind eater

by Southern terms August 25, 2023

isoble - the centipede eater

if ur name is isoble then im not sorry to announce that you smell.

u probs cant spell and ur dads name mark.

ur uncles a pedo who only follows women and underage children.

no one likes her.

even harry styles does not like her.

a butch.

but she has good tiktok ideas

~when worlds collide~ yes

"omg ur such an isoble - the centipede eater" - this means that they're a loser and has an uncle named micheael whos a nonce.

by urmumsbestie June 28, 2020

grass eater jordana

teh graze eater jordana iz a grazz eater who eats its grazz in the uk and stealz jojo siwa b0wz frum tacoman. dey also eat grazz az a grazz taco while playing block game all day and den yelling at teh compooper in result teh compooper iz thrown into 69land where itz eaten, dey can b very scary balkanz edating egurlz. if u c a jordana then STOP, get sum halp.

grass eater jordana playing wif mineplex balkanz

by idkw0tmanameshouldb November 12, 2019

Reverse Eater Fetish

The reversed version of an eater fetish. The person with this fetish likes watching people eat, but often won't find it pleasurable if they aren't the one who got them the food. They didn't have to make the food, they just have to be the ones who got it for them. They also usually enjoy the experience more if the person (or people) eating thank them afterwards, no matter how difficult the food was to get or make.

Person 1: John is so weird. Every time he orders us food, he doesn't eat with us, but he just stares at us eating. And he then doesn't stop bothering us until we thank him like 6 times for it.

Person 2: Yeah, he must have a reverse eater fetish!

by CrispyBun March 30, 2019

certified ass eater

You are a licenced or professional major in eating someone's ass

Jerry: Hey Carl and I am a certified ass eater want me to show you?

Carl: Of course

by OgMudDawg December 18, 2017

Nigerian KFC eater

A nigerian
who eats
a shit ton
of KFC

Ayshun: "Stop being a nigerian KFC eater"
Sam: "Sorry im just gay"

by the_jobless_mallu May 30, 2021