Facebook Ethics is a major branch of philosophy, encompassing right conduct and good life over the electronic medium Facebook. The guiding principle of Facebook ethics is that of exercising sound judgement and morality when establishing relationships, networking, or simply keeping in touch with old friends.
Examples of breaching Facebook ethics include:
- Posting inappropriate pictures of either yourself or friends engaged in raucous behavior, binge drinking, or doing illegal drugs.
- Posting nasty comments about ex boyfriends new girlfriends at an attempt to invoke jealousy, cause pain, insult the other party
- Incessantly posting on people's walls thereby shielding other people's comments and creating a monopoly on said person's wall
- Discussing insensitive topics that could be read by other people- examples include religion, politics, and racism/sexism
- Tagging friends in pictures that are less than flattering.
Brynne breached Facebook Ethics by the posting a blasphemous statement about the existence of God on my wall. Now all my Jesus jamming friends are going to be upset. I better delete the comment
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Someone who responds/replies to your status updates: (1) too frequently (2) in a contrarian manner (3) that aren’t meant for them (4) about inside jokes that they don't get and/or (5) only know the status update's author as an “acquaintance” rather than an actual friend.
You are always posting on my status and ruining the intent of the post, preventing further discussion and generally killing my mojo. I barely know you. You are a Facebook Troll.
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Facebook Rape occurs when an individual leaves Facebook signed in and open to interference from a housemate, work collegue or other third party scumbag with nothing better to do.
Such rape often results in personal details and profile pictures being changed to hillarious, often false but in some cases, true information. High levels of damage occur when the third party has long periods of time in which to Rape your Facebook.
"Ah f*ck I left my facebook on and my details and picture have been tampered with in a hillarious manner against my will; I've been Facebook Raped!"
"Engaged?! Ive been Facebook Raped!"
"Favorite Movies: 'Farm Boys 2 - Pitch my Fork'?! Ive been Facebook Raped!"
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When you comment or like someone's statuses or photos, so that they will comment on your future posts.
Dude, 15 people liked my status! I guess I'm collecting all those facebook credits
talks shit over facebook but can barely stand up for them selfs any other time.
liz:(typing)if anyone talks shit about me again it wont be pretty let me find out.
When someone who is generally disliked by most people, and who is usually physically small or weak, and is not respected by most people in real life, talks trash or attempts to assert his or her authority on Facebook.
Karl: Hey know that kid Josh Witt?
Patrick: Ya, what about him?
Karl: Hes definitley got facebook bravery.
Patrick: Definitley, last night he told me to go fuck myself, but when I saw him today he was all like Hey hows it going?" .
A person who gets all their news and information from Facebook. This person usually thinks he or she has a broad knowledge about things like global warming, conspiracy theories, illnesses etc. simply because they read about it on Facebook.
Karen gets all her information about COVID-19 and global warming from Facebook. She is a Facebook scientist.