When someone defecates in someone elses dryer to teach them a lesson.
Aunt Romaine said she was gonna french heater Josh's dryer; her exact words were, "Im going to drop a nuclear shitbomb on hiroshitma."
A nice way of stating that someone is a sex-addict
I wouldn't say that Louis is a full-blow sex-addict, he just enjoys exploring his French personality after a few bottles of red wine.
A piece of toilet paper discarded after a person relieves themselves in nature.
What's that on the long grass?
Oh gross it's a French lily!
When a girl is giving a blowjob whilst cupping the testicles, and without warning works a pinky into the backdoor.
Guy 1: yeah this girl gave the best head last night, knew all the moves.
Guy 2: really? What she do?
Guy 1: oh you know, licking the head, deep throat, ... the French stranger..
Guy 2: she what??
Guy 1: nothing.
When one person inhales smoke and another person breathes it in through the first person’s nose
Becky french shotgunned that bong rip straight from J’s nose
|frɛnʧ prɛp|
A noun used to describe indecent images of a person usually used as a synonym for “nudes” in order to hide its true meaning.
Person-X: has she sent you french prep?
Person-Y: Yes she has
Person-X: all the answers?
Person-Y: of course