Source Code

Internet Minutes

When waiting for a download, upload, etc. and the amount of time on the loading bar is different from the amount time it actually takes to download.
Similar to microwave minutes.

Dexter: "Oh my gosh Jocelyn, I was trying to download 'X-Men First Class' and the loading bar said two minutes, when it actually took fifteen!!"

Jocelyn: "Oh man, I know, internet minutes always fool me."

by Binsky April 27, 2012


about a minute, not quite, maybe more?

i'll be up in a minute-ish

by dude_love February 24, 2014

Eh i’ll do it in 10 minutes

when you have a project or anything really due at a certain time and you don’t wanna do it whatsoever, you always say “eh i’ll do it in 10 minutes”. 10 minutes as in an hour before the class that it’s due in.

Friend: hey have you finished that presentation about Australia??
You: eh i’ll do it in 10 minutes

by snoopdoggsbigtoe September 12, 2021

Hunziker Minute

At least two, often three minutes long

He wanted to be back in five minutes. But he didn't mention it was Hunziker minutes.

by jeffrey1985 August 25, 2022

10 minute mail

A cool service which provides you a throwaway/temporary mail for well, 10 minutes.

Mark: What is the secret to your inbox? Despite all the things you signed up for, it almost looks squeaky clean!
Simon: Its ez. Just use some throwaway email, like 10 minute mail.

by %$2 October 6, 2023

5 more minutes

Not 5 minutes
Usually when people say 5 more minutes they are slower than people that say 6 more minutes

A:When are you coming
B:5 more minutes (gets slapped through the screen)
A:dont be lyin brah.

by IAMTHETRUTHMAN June 18, 2023

Seven Minute Rule

The "Seven Minute Rule" states quite simply that if the meeting organizer has not joined the meeting within 7 minutes of the start time - the meeting is therefore officially cancelled.

It was designed by the British Upper Class to ensure punctuality and minimize time wasting.

With globalization and in particular the deterioration of Corporate Culture around the world - this rule is making a comeback and used throughout offices around the world

"Mark set this meeting up, and he's not here, by the Seven Minute Rule the meeting is cancelled and we can go to the beach!"

by DarkFlare4220 February 13, 2025