Source Code

School torture room

The school torture room is one way of where students get fucked by there teacher mostly they take away phones but nope they cause rape

Oh shit I'm going to the school torture room!
Oh fuck its hell

by Yourfellowgayboy March 3, 2020

Rec Room Refugee

A person, most notably a child, who get bored and ditches Rec Room, a Roblox-like game made for virtual reality, to invade other VR titles, such as VRchat, and be an all-around nuisance and ruin the experience to those who started playing.

Normal VRchat player: why is this mf so goddamn annoying, jesus.
Normal VRchat player 2: dont worry, its just a Rec Room Refugee, we can just VTK.

by imurpr0blem July 13, 2022

Cake in the Conference Room

When one Homo Sapien and another Homo Sapien engage in Analingus at a regular day in the Office.

Courtney: Hey Kevin! I’ve got some Cake in the Conference Room for you! ;)
Kevin: Id love to engage in Analingus with you Courtney! Let me finish these files real quick and I’ll meet you in your office.

by BuckeloKentuckelo November 11, 2019

Two Tuccis in a Room

The act of brother-sister physical love.

They were like two Tuccis in a room...before you knew it one thing had led to another.

by Baldster July 23, 2008

Weight Room Sherpa

A person who feels the need to guide all of the other patrons of the gym in the proper technique or regimen stuck in their insipid heads because they read it somewhere. A boorish retard that plagues every work out space.

Steve looked up from his set, a tool was standing next to him trying to engage conversation, but he ignored him and continued to work, the tool didn't take the hint and continued to stand there, waiting for an opportunity to vomit forth his "knowledge". "I wish this weight room sherpa would take the hint" Steve thought to himself.

by Madman With A Cause July 27, 2016

B-Room Blues

When you spend an excessive amount of time trapped in the bathroom via a form of punishment growing up and are now suffering odd Psychological symptoms because of it.

He doesn't like any sauce that is white because it reminds him of porcelain. This is a common symptom of the B-Room Blues.

He doesn't have a favorite dinosaur because he was locked in the bathroom while his family was watching "Walking with Dinosaurs"; Classic B-Room Blues.

by Notorious ENG May 18, 2022

Gym Locker Room

The home of many naked old people.

I was in the gym locker room yesterday and the amount of naked old guys there was INSANE!

by ManMan6t9 November 17, 2021