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Sky is a kolos

by cyber demon November 24, 2021


GAY will try to hump you

What’s up sky

Can I humb you

by You ga November 2, 2019


the blue fucking thing above your head

-Hey look at the sky! It's blue!

-No duh, sherlock.

by 120938475 January 24, 2022


A really beautiful/HOT asian girl with a nice ass and who is smart and has a nice personality, but never seems to have a boyfriend because there aren’t many guys who have the balls to ask her out (Ne included). Although, however alone her love life may be she DGAF when it comes to romance, which only makes her more intimidating.

Sky is so hot but I’m too scared to ask her out.

by Sky :)) April 21, 2019


A fucking bitch who will do anything for people to like her

Oh look at that bitch it’s probably a sky

by Trevor was here sadly May 25, 2019


the thing above your head maybe if you went outside more times you'd notice

the sky stays outside your house jerry

by ARoundBox December 13, 2021


A great guy that is so clueless. Cute, shy, and kind. Very clueless... Great guy though

Why doesn't Sky know?

by smigpotato February 24, 2020