In the Hip Hop scene a Whack MC is a disrespected MC.
Kollegah is a Whack MC.
An old lush who sits in tea houses eating scones, wearing perculiar hats with net veils and other such ornamentation.
Look at that Mc Nalis over there! She's covered in anchors!
1.if someone with a mc last name
(e.g. McDonald)owns someone.
other mc-owns words - some one with a mc last names nickname just got mc-owned
2. you gonna get some mc-owning
3. total mc-ownage!!!
4. whats going on mc-owns
when someone is in the mc donalds drive through and they get so mad that they punch the ordering screen
person driving: what happened to the ordering screen
worker: oh that someone got mc mad and punched it
The Outlaws Motorcycle Club, incorporated as the American Outlaws Association or its acronym, A.O.A., is an international outlaw motorcycle club. Founded in McCook, Illinois in 1935, Outlaws MC is the oldest outlaw motorcycle club in the world.
Outlaws MC, Club of bikers , 1%er, Motorcycle Club