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beta rape

Buying electronics from Walmart

I got beta raped by the u.s. government when I purchased an electronic device at Walmart on aa limited income due to a shit economy.

by Knoddycat November 24, 2015

Rape Love

when you love another person but the other person doesn't love you back. Just like rape only one of the two people are active.

Guy 1: Matt sure won't let go of Becky.
Guy 2: Yeah it sure is some rape love.

by JizzleHizzle December 3, 2013

Gain raped

When you're at the gym and your bro sneaks a few extra pounds on the machine between sets while you arent't looking.

Bro 1: "Damn did that weight feel slightly heavier than the first set to you?"
Bro 2: "Nah bro, you got gain raped. If anything you should be thanking me."

by Rich Piana September 5, 2016

Tornado rape

It's when a group of guys get their boners out and hit a girl in the face with them. The men are spinning around in circle like a tornado.

My ex broke up with me so a group of me and my friends tornado raped her.

by 123j0sh4 May 23, 2014

The Rape Witch

Evil bitch that will sit you by her, torment you with her souless eyes, and when she's done taking away your happiness, put you in a corner in which you will never see another classmates eyes or hear the laughter of happy children. Often her room is referred to as "The Rape Dungeon" due to the fact it is secluded from the rest of the school and has no visible windows to look in on. Stay as far away from this woman as possible!!! She will find you, she will hunt you down, and she will kill you. Physical description is as followed: Dykish haircut, evil gap between front teeth that seems to suck you in, soulless pale blue eyes, saggy bottom, and heaving angry chest.

evilmiseryrapetorturesadnessThe Rape Witch

by valleydyke96 August 19, 2012

candy raped

to buy an assortment candy and to get mostly the worst flavor

I bought a pack of skittles and got candy raped by all of the lemons i got

by Mr.scratchie October 30, 2010

Keyboard Rape

To assertively and quickly press a number of random keys on someone else's phone or computer, while they are currently using it.

Jessica was ignoring everyone in the room, while using her phone, so I reached over and keyboard raped her.

by PUNK ASS EVENTS November 30, 2011