When you do whatever you have to do to avoid a second trip.
when you go shopping at the store and you have 20 bags in the trunk. You try to get all the bags on your arms and fingers to avoid having to go back out to the car.
"Went to the store and was one trippin' 20 bags into the house"
4👍 1👎
Tortilla chips (more than 3) stuck together after being fried often found in a bowl of chips at a Mexican restaurant. Eaten as one chip with a loud crunch.
I really should watch how many chips I eat but this counts as one chip.
To be pissed off at someone, or to basically tell someone to fuck off. “Sit on one”
“Matteo is being a dick, tell him to go and sit on one!” Gotcha boys, who’s the one who created this..? That’s right, me! SIT ON ONE ;)
Short for One Timer-An Ice Hockey term for a shot immediately after a pass.
Coach: Johnny, you've got to improve your one-t or you'll go to 4th line
Headie one is the largest bowling ball in Tottenham and they use headie one as a wrecking ball to demolish turnpike lane, woodgreen, Edmonton, Enfield and Northumberland park, he protects broadwater farm
Repeat headie one incoming!!!! Headie one incoming!!!! Oh tion wayne help uss
A condition usually bought on by three circumstances, lack of sleep, intoxication, or intense boredom, or a combination of these variables, where a person is forced to attempt to remain focused by using only one eye, while the other eye rests and refuses to operate. The one eye is often used to focus visually on things, i.e. mobile phone after too many drinks, but in most cases, i.e. in the workplace, the eye takes in very little information. The condition can commonly be seen in intensely meaningless and boring work meetings, and when highly intoxicated people must concentrate when they are placed on a long bus journey or in a cinema, after a big, tiresome night after a few hours of getting their drank on.
Work conversation via email:
Kev - Bro, I'm so tired at work, it's insane. I cannot focus!
Just - Yeah man, I feel you! I'm so messed up from last night, I'm totally one-eyeing right now!
Kev - Lol! Me too brother! I'm totally one-eyeing my screen and taking nothing in!
Baby Milo - Sh*t is craaaaazy!
A term someone would use to refer to the fictional character called All for One from the anime series My Hero Academia/Boku no hero academia if they find him attractive; sexy; hot
"I want Dilf for One to stuff me full of quirks until i explode" "All for One more like Dilf for One" "Dilf for One supremacy"