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Island Nigger

A Marshallese person. They usually look pretty fucked up due to the so-called radiation exposure after we used their islands for testing. They wear flip flops and walk around playing ukuleles. Loud and EXTREMELY obnoxious. They often walk in groups of 4 up to 15, much of the time singing like they are in a cult. Often can be seen wearing identical shirts. Oh, and they all look pretty much the same and the females are very short.

Guy 1: "Hey man, did you just hear that? Sounded like singing"

Guy 2: "Ah yeah, don't mind it. Just a group of island niggers. Radiation fucked with their minds.

by DarkSideCookies April 27, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

whore Island

a place where only the coolest people live.
Mainly found with cardboard boxes in the rain.

go back to your home on whore island.

by pook7u May 28, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Block Island

One of the most preppy places in New England for summer vacationers. Filled with some of the most stuck up rich kids you will ever meet. They spend their time sailing, playing tennis, going to the beach,attending "the club", going to yacht parties, swimming in each others ocean-side pools, making fun of tourists etc.. They are additionally rude to anyone who doesn't also own a multimillion dollar mansion on an island. They wear Vineyard Vines, Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Brooks Brothers, J.crew, Patagonia, etc.. Their parents are among Americas "1%" and live their lives in luxury. The island town is nothing less than perfect, filled with boutiques of all sorts. The island mansions are absolutely stunning and are some of the most luxurious homes you will ever see. Everyone there, who is not tourist, live rich, careless, dream-like lives. This island is the vacation version of Greenwich, CT.

Rich Kid: My sailing lesson is a 2:00 and I need to make it to the beach for at least 2 hours and then I am going to that yacht party tonight and getting wasted then I am sleeping over my friends house so be ready to to pick me up at 11:00 sharp in the morning.

Mom: Okay!!! I will see you tomorrow!! God love you

Rich kid: I love block island

by The 99% February 9, 2013

14๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Island Fever

A sexual obsession or lust for pacific islanders, usually young women. White men are most prone to this particular illness.

Guy 1: Hey I'm thinking of taking a trip to Thailand.
Girl 1: What, you got island fever?
Guy 1: Totally.
Girl 1: Isn't it weird that Thai girls are so pretty and Thai guys are so ugly?
Guy 1: Ya.

by ImJohnJohnJohnJohnJohnJohnJohn May 30, 2009

39๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž

Long Island

the place that is what people THINK New Jersey is like. The land of Guidos and Camaros.

Long Island is an evil place.

by MikeNJ December 21, 2005

35๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

mercer island

Mercer Island other wise know as Misery Rock is a small island in Lake Washington infested with ungrateful little brats. In recent years there has been talk of blowing up the I-90 bridge that connects this festering pieces of crap island to the main land. In doing this psychologist would get a first hand look at what really took place in the book Loard Of the Flies. It would also make everyone very happy because so many of the island brats would die!

We watched as the kids from Misery Rock(Mercer Island) devoured echother with there hate and greed.

by B-Town2 May 17, 2007

30๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

Terf Island

The United Kingdom.

A reference to the fact that UK women aren't buying the misogyny in drag that is transgender activism. A motley crew of paedophile apologists, porn addicts, handmaidens, and general perverts, have tried to take Scotland in a different direction but (thanks to the "women who won't weesht") have have failed to achieve anything other than inadvertently unseating a deranged former First Minister.

Despite the terrible legal fiction that is the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (TLDR: a man with the right piece of paper magically becomes a woman except for the purposes of inheriting a seat in the House of Lords), most of UK law still supports the rights of women to single-sex spaces. That hasn't stopped organisations like Stonewall and Mermaids spreading like the lying cancer that they are through our institutions with their dodgy legal advice and unevidenced clinical suggestions, but they've met resistance from a fearless band of women who are taking zero shit.

Are you Tired of Explaining Reality to Fuckwits? Do you think that a woman isn't just a autogynephilic man? Do you want to be inspired by warrior women? Then come to Terf Island!

by SalopianSnark March 16, 2023

43๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž