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rare piece

A rare piece is a person who is weird in a unique way. Originated in a school in Bristol, this word is used by a select group of skaters towards any weirdo

Skater one: Look at that scooter rider
Skater two: Yeah, what a rare piece
*both laugh then continue to skate*

by SwagaliciousteagangII October 20, 2013

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Chest piece

A decorative ornament consisting of a massive load of jizz on some dirty sluts chest after a marathon fellatio session.

Man 1: "Bro do you remember that slut from last weekend with the massive tits?"
Man 2: "Yeah bruv, did you score or what?"
Man 1: "Yeah fuck yeah I did. I gave her the biggest chest piece. It was fucken sick cunaye".
Man 2: "Fuck yeah cunt".

by Moopet February 26, 2021

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Two piece


I bet you a two piece

by Shitty sandbox April 20, 2018

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(n.)1. Less than a full turd; more than one molecule shit.

2. Worthless object or idea.

(adj.) 1. Merit-less disappointment.

(n.) "You see Dan's van?" "What? That piece-of-shit down the block!?"

(adj.) "In retrospect, muff-diving Sharlene was probably one of my all time greatest piece-of-shit thought processes to ever get a green light."

by Brandolfdday December 5, 2010

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piece it together

To make a living in the Bush economy with a combination of part-time jobs, freelance projects, and various other forms of self-employment.

Sharon lost her instructor position at the University, but she manages to piece it together by proctoring exams, grading for professors, translating German technical manuals, and eBaying those clay fertility pendants that she makes.

by KingfishRex May 10, 2005

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A cup-piece is a very similar male garment to a cod piece. Essentially one takes a standard mug with a handle and place their genitals in the mug and loops a belt through the handle, fastening the belt round the waist.

It has been known to drive women crazy.

Chris came into the office wearing nothing but a cup piece.

I wonder if that cup-piece needs to be that big?

by harrisishere December 14, 2007

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Piece of shit

A person who's personality is made up of other peoples tastes and is completely unoriginal with every idea they have. These people are freeloaders and only bother to help when it benefits them.

Malcolm constantly pranks his freinds with things he has often seen online. No wonder why so many people think he's a piece of shit.

by Dr. Kitsune April 12, 2017

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