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Smell O'Gram

The act of farting in one's hand and immediately releasing said fart in another person's face, while loudly exclaiming SMELL O'GRAM !

Smell O'gram !!

Dude you better go wash your hands that smell o'gram may stain !

by Jaliz12345 June 6, 2009

Smell O'Gram

Abducting your baby sister's beloved cat and while detaining it against its will, place it close to you anus and tear the biggest, sloppiest, most unapologetic fart you can muster. Then take the humiliated feline to your unsuspecting sisters room, where you release her now traumatized, rancid, furry friend back into the room closing the door behind you. Upon hearing an exclamation of disgust, kick open the door and declare "Smell O'Gram!!!"

My brother gave me such a nasty "Smell O'Gram" that i threw up all over the cat.

by theliberatedpeoplesofcornholeo August 26, 2010

Wet dog smell

That terrible smell when you dog is dirty but also wet. We all know that smell.

"Gross, my blanket has a wet dog smell"

by OpaGramps May 23, 2024

You smell like onions

When you smell so bad of BO, you literally smell like onions. You most likely need to take a shower and use deodorant.

Damn dude, you smell like onions! Take a shower!

by Emron April 13, 2022