When someone says they want smoke but just keep postponing it until the beef goes away
That nigga Zach pussy he’s all about that delayed smoke, he won't even post up
Bong water additive/enhancer for marijuana smokers. They use it to increase the intensity of their hits and smoothen their exhale.
Damn, that smoke amp and this Train Wreck knocked me on my ass!
Used as a verb, Taking multiple turns consecutively.
“Hey man go ahead and blunt-smoke that meth pipe.”
The last few draws of a tobacco cigarette given to someone without access to nicotine
Calum: I'm gonna have a feg. You want left-a-smoke?
Aaron: Yes mate
The act of sex, be it manual, vaginal or anal without lubricant when lubricant is needed, making both parties raw and most likely resulting in pain.
I hit this hottie in the elevator, but we started smoking skins so I had to stop until we got some lube.
Military slang for making a quick departure, especially in a cloud of confusion.
We're done here, time to pop smoke.
Smoking on Keesha is a phrase created in early 2002-04 in Kansas city by a group of friends referring to a stronger grade of Marijuana
I was smoking Keesha earlier with the homes!