The superhuman powers of a perosn with massive, protruding teeth
omg, no,no! please dont use your incisor power!
A sudden burst of abilities that happen after a bad breakup. A common example is the concept of "Optimus Fine". Breakup powers often manifest in the form of extreme motivation, dedication, and improvement in physical attributes, performance in work/school related skills, or in personal projects.
These improvements are fueled from a genuine desire to improve oneself, or on the other extreme, pure spite for the ex-partner in an effort to show them what they've lost. The effects may last from a few weeks to a couple of years, depending directly on how hard the breakup was.
If you have gone through a breakup, and feel an overwhelming urge to improve yourself in every way and get things done, you might be developing breakup powers. You will feel the urge to get good in every aspect of your life, be the absolute best you can be, and maybe show your ex what they're missing out on. Keep the motivation going, just don't hurt yourself, and take care of yourself!
When you ram your dick into their asshole really fast and hard
How did it go last night!
Dude, I did a power plunge on her!
A man with a strong jaw line, amazing smile and speaks like a sailor.
Brandon needs to watch what he says. His power mouth could get us into a lawsuit even if he looks good saying it!
A potent mixture of the cheapest available cask wine (medium or dry white wine are the most commonly selected), combined with your choice of energy drink. A 50/50 mixture of wine and 'power' is the norm, but this can be adjusted according to present need.
"We need to get more Red Bull to go with this cask wine to make power wine!"
"I had too many power wines last night and peaked too early"
"(Name), stop bogarting the power wine you cunt!"
A phenomenon observed when game designer tends to make newer addition to their game a little bit more powerful than the last iteration of the game.
Evil Heckler is a power creep on Booty Bay Bodyguard. (Hearthstone)
Yu-Gi-Oh is the definition of a Power Creep based game.