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Open skate song

90’s song played at the ice rink during open skate.

Who sings “everything you want?” Not sure but that’s an open skate song right?

by Brobin101 December 5, 2018

Song Bombed

When a conversation is interrupted by someone breaking out in song, triggered by a keyword mentioned by another person. This can continue on and on as a fun annoying game!

This is finished with a statement line or punch line " You have just been song bombed" Boom!"

Person 1 "My friend Luka bought this new.." Person 2 - interrupts with "My name is Luka
I live on the second floor..."

Then with the finish statement or punch line " You have just been song bombed" Boom!

Person 1" Hey do you want to..." Person 2 - interrupts with "Do you want to build a snow man, do you want to come out and play..."

Then with the finish statement or punch line " You have just been song bombed" Boom!

by Chiller8nz July 7, 2014

Louise (song)

Louise she just wasn't thinking straight...
when she climbed into his bed
she only wanted to lie beside him
to hell with his best friend

Hater: STFU
Louise (song) by TV Girl

by ImAHomosexualowo August 23, 2023

Tibetan Throat Song

When you hum while giving a blowjob

"She sings a real good Tibetan Throat Song if you know what I mean"

by queenlehane November 14, 2022

National Pain Song Day

On September 17 Post Your Favorite Pain Song By Any Artist That You Fw💔

Lonely Child-Youngboy is a Pain Song for National Pain Song Day

by KriddleKreme September 15, 2021

Virginia Apgar + Victor Varnado + Bruce Willis (A Mathematical Song))

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses?

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Virginia Apgar + Victor Varnado + Bruce Willis (A Mathematical Song))

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 22, 2025

All Engines Go Song

There are two types of All Engines Go songs, here they are.

You might find yourself singing this song when you're on a roleplay game.
"Here comes Thomas I'm the number one engine woah All Engines Go look there's Percy we're best friends as Kana zooms around the bend I need my speed and I'm ready to glow All Engines Go hey there's Nia I'm rocking out don't forget me Thomas and Diesel gets a shout meet our fix-it crew Carly and Sandy you can count on us we're super handy down the hills and round the woah All Engines Go!"

You might find yourself singing this song when you want to watch something.
"If there's a screen that needs a show I'm the one you need to know I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go! If your eyes need satisfaction I can say the word I bet I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go!!!

"I'm gonna sing the All Engines Go song in BFB 3D Roleplay."

"I sure need something to watch, lemme sing the All Engines Go song."

by MrPreston26 June 21, 2022