sexy, dope, loyal, beautiful, smart, amazing at everything
Her name's Fia?
She must be fine as fuck ma nigga
Fucked up
Hey, you're a Vietnam vet, how are things going? As a Vietnam vet, I'm just FINE.
Something you tell people when you are clearly not okay at all. You are sad all the time and feeling mentally drained. Maybe a loved one died, you were betrayed by a friend, or just tired from working your but off all the time. Go find someone to talk to so you have comfort and support from others.
"Hey are you okay?"
"Yes i'm fine"
Person 1: oooo he is so FINE
Person 2: don't use my manz name in vein.
P1: what?
P2: did i stutter? Don't you dare use my manz name in a sentence you're using to describe that 2 juul, white jeep, fortnite dancing Chad.
P1: I-
what your little sister says on the rare occasion when she can deal with not getting her way. can also be pronounced as "FIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH."
leave the dog alone while she's eating.