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Mass Trolling

Something someone does on Facebook, for example, to destroy someone's news feed. This often happens on a daily basis causing them to be unfriended frequently. But they don't care, because they are most likely a douche anyways. They constantly upload videos, link youtube videos, post status' and pictures. These status' often include very mediocre statements, ideas and information. Once in awhile they post something interesting, but most likely, they wont.

Chance posted a link.

Chance updated his status... 40 times.

Chance posted a link...

Chance wrote on So-and-so's wall.

Chance posted yet another a link.

Chance was tagged in a photo... of himself.

Chance updated his status.

Chance likes your status.

Chance likes "Mass Trolling."

by pissedofffacebookuser December 20, 2011

Troll Cave

Noun: A place on the internet that is inhabited by one or many trolls. A troll cave can be set up anywhere, as long as there is at least one troll that is frequents the area in discussion.

www.4chan.com/b/ would be a troll cave and a wide variety of trolls reside there and will often procreate to make more trolls; these new trolls ar known as newfags on 4chan.

It is wise to avoid provoking them or feeding them.

by dasasda October 16, 2012

Shit Trolling

To troll, but in a lackluster manner that is much lazier and less effective than traditional trolling. Unlike traditional trolling, Shit Trolling is done when one simply wishes to get a few cheap laughs out of his/her victims, rather constructing an elaborate and/or clever ruse to reel in his/her prey. Basically, a small-scale trolling which guarantees less results for less effort.

I was tired last night, but felt like shit trolling, so I posted a blatantly biased comment on some guy's Facebook post in order to get a few hateful replies.

by Noushbag June 24, 2015

Team Trolling

Verb. The act of trolling in coordination with one or more other trolls to maximize efficiency and effect. Is often used to create the illusion of mass hatred toward certain parties.

Scott: "Hey me and a buddy are team trolling this chicks blog so that maybe then she'll sleep with me. Wanna help me out?"

Austin: "Alright spam jew and then I'll throw a tits or gtfo at her."

by FURST!!!!!!!!!!!!! February 6, 2010

parking troll

A person who, in densely populated areas where demand for parking is high, intentionally approaches an automobile or motorcycle as if they are about to leave, then either stalls by checking their phone, or after a brief stay in the car, closes the door and walks away. A parking troll typically does this in order to annoy the parking campers.

Hey, did you see that parking troll approach the car to annoy the parking campers?

by deutschland_liebt_hasselhoff November 17, 2014


This concept of a Troll generally only applies to forum boards.

Essentially it is a person who decides to Troll, but with abnormal intentions of only posting to help. Thus, they are almost complete opposites of Trolls.

This person will post anywhere in the Forum as many times as they think they need to get their opinion/point across. They tend to have 10x the post count of normal active forumers.

Most of them become Mods, well known through out the community, and are most definitely never banned.

- Xfactor56: Hey guess my post count now!!

- FireofJustice: Like dude I dunno or care.

- Xfactor56: Wellzz it's at 4042 now.

- FireofJustice: How? Was just 390 last week.

- Xfactor56: I just like posting and helping out.

- FireofJustice: W/e ur such a Posi-Troll...

- Xfactor56: ...... >.>

by TheRealVastoLorde June 4, 2011

tough troll

an online troll who can hold his own in the event that a blogger or fellow thread-participant should physically challenge him in a real-life, face-to-face situation

Spencer is one tough troll.

by meeeeeeeeee333 May 12, 2010