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A man named Owen is typically a ladies man but can never date one. He is a warrior and fights for whom he loves. He always is looking out for others. Owens typically go very well with ladies named Natalie, Sabrina, Natalia, and Reagan.

You see how he treats that girl, he is such a Owen.

by Genetic scientist April 16, 2019


An Owen is usually quite a complicated dude. He tends to be very nice, amazing smile (usually has dimples) fairly handsome and could probably get any girl if he wanted to. However, an Owen almost always has its down sides. Owen often times is socially awkard and doesn't like to speak a whole lot all the time. He is seen as more of an introverted extrovert- meaning once you get to know him well enough, he is a great guy. When spoken to he doesn't always have a whole lot to say either. It becomes quite a plain conversation when speaking to an Owen (mostly due to his kindness). Despite his kindness, he also can tend to be quite inconsiderate towards others. Not really catching what should be said and shouldn't- causing others to either hate him or truly dislike him. He doesn't express his emotions a whole lot but even when he does, he has a hard time doing so. He is a great guy, but often times misunderstood because how he is as person.

Date an Owen.

Person 1: How was your day today?
Owen: It was good, just tired.

*end of conversation*

by ThisIsNotAnOwen November 24, 2021


A small ginger christan boy. He likes to play Minecraft and Roblox and also uses Instagram. VERY NORMIE. if you have an Owen spank him everynight. He likes to get spanked. His cool friends are very very very very good at disciplining him. He sometimes becomes fat tho, so watch out. Also his dog is mean

Man! I hate my Owen!

by Sethieseth May 14, 2018


owen is a sweet guy and you want him as a friend but he is someone that will steal your girl and then break her heart. but on the other hand he is the most funnest, kindest, and nicest guy you will meet

girl 1 omg he's so nice
girl 2 well he is owen

by unicornlover0616 November 6, 2017


Punk rock sex God *intense guitar solo*

All hail Owen

by PiXlE PoW April 4, 2018


A man that is cool and can sometimes joke around to much but is till a great friend

Man that is an Owen

by CVJH November 18, 2021


A tall/fun size guy that makes everybody laugh l. He can make your day without even knowing he did. If you don't know an Owen find one. All the. Girls chase after him nonstop. He is very smart so don't be shy to ask him any question.

Girl 1: "Hey who's your crush?"
Girl 2: "Owen"
Girl 1: "Really, same"

by Bestinsides January 17, 2018