Source Code

hot fudge round

This is the act of cooking a Little Debbie's Fudge Round on a stick over an open fire and giving it to The Truck Man.

I'm going to go give this hot fudge round to Truck Man because he got stuck and needs a pick-me-up.

by Maythedickbewithyou October 15, 2017

hot line blink

A booty call.

When the hot line blinks, it can only mean 1 thing .

by Dreaday December 8, 2015

Super hot

My girl super hot

Yo my girl is super hot
Yeah man she fine

by MitchIsAlwaysRight November 26, 2018

Hot hax summer

Hot hax summer is when hax doesn't need to worry about his assignments and try to make friends. Also takes a break on code and trys to get a gf (not gonna happen)

Hax is having HOT HAX SUMMER so leave him tf alone

by Haxiieeeboii May 23, 2021

Hot and Pop

A girl who is hot and popping (or popular).

Woah that girl’s so hot and pop” - Bitch
“I kr” - Bitch #3

by somepeoplethinkmynamesweird August 11, 2018

red hot pink sock

When you spread the sweet sweet asshole of your significant other and strictly use Frank's Red Hot Sauce as lubrication.

He used so much franks on me last night and gave me the spiciest red hot pink sock; not counting the yeast infection, i'm gonna be hurting for a week!

by redhotpinksocklongwalkshortdoc April 16, 2023

hot sausage roll

A hot sausage roll is when you defecate in your hand and proceed to masturbate

Bro that was a sick hot sausage roll you just pulled , big load

by Holy mouley February 27, 2016