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head tilt

when one tilts one's head 45 degrees when faced with a mind-numbing, confusing, or unexplainable situation

Bruh...listening to that girl explain a 5 second reason in 10 minutes because of her copious use of the word "like" , just made me head tilt...we need to strike that weird from the vocabulary of everyone, forever.

by gambit_sun September 29, 2019


A tit head.

I'm a right cheb-head.

by libby-boo February 12, 2019

handkerchief-head negro

a subservient, role-playing, white-stereotyped black person. A lone black person in a friend group of white people.

That underclassman Liam is a handkerchief-head negro to all the white popular kids at lunch.

by Deblack Man December 14, 2023

Poss head

The Poss head is a manikin head (often used for wigs) that is possessed by an evil entity. The Poss head's purpose is to posses people and be the new host of their body. This entity is a nothing but a myth as it hasn’t been proved to actually exist. The word “Poss” is short for possession and “head” because it’s a manikin head.

Momma! I saw the Poss head in your room last night! It’s eyes were glowing red!

by Bellatrix Rigel July 14, 2024

fucked in the head

Amber Hazel

holy man, Amber is fucked in the head

by random girl from ns March 19, 2019

National ‘give him head day’

If I guy asks you to give him head, you must do it at either your crib, or his. If not, it doesn’t count.

Hey I always wanted to give you head, it’s National ‘give him head day’ can I come over?

by Factually Proven April 12, 2019

Football Head

A term created by me or AzureMidnightGemStoneDude2K3 back in 2020 to refer to Molly Peterson. But these “troublemakers” are not bad. In actuality they said an useless term.

Football Head

by CutePrincess Precurefan9000 December 25, 2022