Half eaten carrot that's been left out for 5 days, very flexible. Probably a peice of chalk. Not to be mistaken for an actual hot dog.
"Wait, what's that?! Is that a Christmas Hot dog?!"
When jagermeister is spat in a girls vagina ,then used as lube for drunk sex
Babe, the lubes finished and im a bit dry down there.
Don't worry hunny I got jager ,we can wolfenbuttel hot pocket
It’s when you have a minor stroke from Afghanistan induced Bell’s Palsey cause of seeing motor rounds almost fall on your head and then they shoot muscle relaxers on your ass and you wake as the Mexican Joker.
Bro I was deployed in 2013 and I totally got a case of the hot twitch.
Thrice or more boiled hotdog water
Hot dog syrup personality....that made my skin crawl
a mix of hot sauce, chocolate, and tater tots
Grace makes the best Hot Choco Totties in the world. i fail at making them. *sad face*
When you enjoy getting shit DICKED.
“Yeah i could go for a deep fried hot dog right about now”
Hot Topsy (noun): a tantalising yet disappointing garnish or finger food, typically consisting of a small amount of cheese or other topping on a cracker or piece of bread. While Hot Topsy may appear enticing and flavorful, it often fails to live up to expectations, leaving the consumer feeling unsatisfied and let down. The term is derived from the idea of a topsy-turvy experience, in which something seems exciting or promising at first, but ultimately turns out to be lacklustre.
"I was so excited for the charcuterie board, but all we got were these Hot Topsy crackers with a tiny bit of cheese on them."