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Pulling A Warren

A guy being sweet/cute but kind of creepy at the same time. shouldn't really be hitting on you/flirting with you due to age, current relationship status, etc. yet, they still do.

Girl 1: "He's texting me & being really cute, but i have a boyfriend & he knows it."
Girl 2: "He's pulling a warren."

(8th grade girl) : "This senior is hitting on me! Totally pulling a warren."

by sexymofowhocameupwiththis November 17, 2011

Pulling a Warren

To lie or mislead about your Race or Heritage in order to get preferential treatment or to receive financial or other gain in the workplace.

Man, James was really Pulling a Warren we he told the College Admissions board that he was African American so he could get the Diversity Points.

by Phredex May 18, 2019

Pulling a Genshin Impact

The act of creating a character that is canonically above the age of consent, but has the appearance of a minor that is identifiable by many.

"I swear to god. That fucking character right there? That shit's straight up pulling a Genshin Impact."
"Holy shit, why do they look so young?"
"Yeah, you can't tell me that's not a fucking minor. That shit's seriously on Rule34?"
"Yeah, that's pretty appalling, ngl."

by jawballsdeeznutsyourmomhaha December 29, 2023

Pull a Chad

When you go out of your way to try and be sweet and helpful for someone hoping for a specific outcome but with the largest probability of it failing.

D: I’m gonna go give a bunch of 42 roses to the cute girl I met at the store earlier.
R: Do you know her name? Who she is? Her phone number?
D: no.
R: So how are you gonna give it to her?
D: I’m going to wait at the same spot in the store with it until I see her again.
R: So you’re gonna pull a Chad?

by Firelord_Fluffy November 27, 2019

Pulling a Shweta

When someone goes for a brunch, has a couple of drinks (usually around two) and ends up ghosting the rest of the brunch because they got wasted.

"Sorry for pulling a Shweta last night!"

by HangryLawyer April 14, 2019

pushing buttons and pulling levers

A way of describing a job that is mechanical literally like a factory worker or figuratively but still much like a flow chart. The antithesis of this is anything that requires highly specialized skill and intuition.

After pushing buttons and pulling levers for 40 years at the wooden toy factory, Leroy had a knack for fitting square pegs in round holes as evidence by the collections of rasps and files he had in his pocket.

by JizzCaster69 December 12, 2023

Pulling a Danna

A person who grifts his way to internet fame, fooling thousands into believing his lies are true.

Oh, look, the fat man who claims he is losing weight is Pulling a Danna. He is eating entire rotisserie chickens, dinosaur nuggets, sodies, and birthday cake is fudging his weigh-ins, and is bigger than ever.

by stahpitnow March 23, 2024