When your face is a little too big for your body. It looks awkward and gross.
Chris: I broke up with Cindy because of her cupcake face.
When someone exudes or eminates the impression of having the tiny stature of that of a shrimp.
Your a real shrimp face!
Somebody who has drowned in soup
That poor boy he drowned as a stew face
When Devin threatens to fight you with his face.
I want you to fight me with your face.
A more active-sounding version of the ever-popular 'face plant'. Best used in the past tense.
"Whoa did you see that? I totally almost planted face back there."
When someone enjoys a full blunt all to themselves. Specifically when they are smoking in a group of people but choose not to pass it. A reference to all the smoke going into their face from the entire blunt.
Wake up in the morning and face a blunt, thats all I know is to smoke out.
A flat faced person with no defining features. Big round flat face. Painful looking smile. Unattractive profile. Great insult for a low quality human.
You are so ugly, you look like you've been hit in the face with a frying pan.