Somebody with two completely different personalities, hiding the bad from the public.
She was a Double-Faced Entendre, I felt controlled and emotionally abused.
Someone who has two totally different personalities, unbeknownst to you, one side being an angel, the other side being a devil.
I'm a goner, I lost her, like why the hell you wanna play me that way? You're bad, babe. You double-faced entendre
Some one who has two sides. A devilish side and a angel like side
Coined by Oliver tree (singer and pro scooterer)
Jessica is such a Double-faced entendre, when we are together she is a devil but when John is here she is a angel to him
Coined by Oliver Tree, meaning someone with two sides, an angelic side and a devilish side.
That bitch was a double-faced entendre.
What you post on urban dictionary for 5% on Verified's YouTube video featuring Oliver Tree.
Oliver: Describe "Double faced Entendre" on Urban dictionary.
Me: Ok- It's a two faced person basically.
somebody who has two personalities
You're bad babe, you double faced entendre- Oliver Tree
Someone who has 2 totally different personalities, unbeknownst to you, one side being an angel and one side being a devil.
"You double-faced entendre"- Oliver Tree