It is y o u. You either hate yourself or you love yourself. How do I know?
"I am m e. I am a idiot." Or.. "I love myself!! You should love yourself too!" These were examples of "Me"
this word is definition to you like your body , its another word for myself or only myself. Its mainly used if your, talking about yourself, people saying something about you and then you "me?" down below there will be sentences of what the word "me" is about. The word me was invented in the mid 13c and is used million times a day in 2022. Goodbye.
personA: (name) is so silly and dumb haha. you: me.?
Hym "Hahahahahahahaha! MAN AM I IN THERE! DEEP! I cannot believe that this is an actual thing. And there in lies the problem. That's the heart of it. You don't want me to be there but I am. And what did you do? EXACTLY WHAT I SAID I OU WOULD DO! HAAAAHAHAHAHAAA!! I cannot believe it. You can't acknowledge the darkness in your own heart. He told you that you needed do it. You like HIM. You respect HIM. But you WEREN'T ACTUALLY LISTENING! HA! Were WE listening Iam?"
Iam "They really don't like when we do this..."
Hym "YES WE WERE! We're always listening!"
Iam "I... You really just think it doesn't exist in you just because you don't feel the itch... And it can't exist in you because if it does then..."
Hym "Then you're all like ME!"
Iam "It's not their fault..."
Hym "It's entirely their fault!"
If you're fine with it happening to me, why shouldn't you be fine with it ALSO HAPPENING TO YOU? Dumb. You motherfuckers are dumb.
A retard "But moms and catholics aren't bad! They shouldn't be doing it to them..."
Hym "Or anyone else?"
A retard "Well... Um... Maybe if it only happens to YOU... And NOT me... Then it'll be fine..."
Hym "Yeah, no, it's never going to only happen to me. It's never only going to 'people LIKE me.' And Catholics and Moms are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet. What did they do? Fuck a fat cock, and nothing else. Not a claim to virtue or innocence. And Catholics, with all the kids they're molesting... I mean, I've molested 0 kids... Yet now that the government is doing it to people instead of random undisclosed people.... And they're doing it more broadly to PEOPLE OF A CERTAIN TYPE... Instead of A GUY of a certain type... Now it's a problem... Because now you're a part of a group that it's to whom it's happening... We gotta make videos about it and vote a certain way now... We gotta rally together because the thing that was happening to ME... Is now happening to you..."
Well, what is happening here is exactly the opposite of that. I'm not doing what you want so you are trying to relegate what is currently happening to me NOW into the past to avoid your own complicity in the violence I prophecized coming to fruition.
Hym "That is not me doing that. How many people reacted the same way to the weaponized schizophrenia? It's not them. It's you. What's happening to me is not relegated to the past. And for SOME OF YOU, what is happening to me is placed firmly in your own future. So, you can call it whatever you want. You. Us. But one of us thinks they are something they are not... And it isn't me."