Somebody who has two totally different personalities unbeknownst to you. One side being an angel the other side being a devil.
I'm a goner. I lost her. Like why the hell you wanna play me that way? You're bad babe. You double-faced entendre.
A Double-Faced Entendre, as defined by Oliver Tree, is a person that has two completely different sides or personalities, usually an “angel side and a devil side”.
Yeah, Mark is such a Double-Faced Entendre.
Is somebody who has two totally different personalities, unbeknownst to you, one side being an angel, the other side being a devil.
Why the hell you wanna play me that way? You're bad, babe. You double-faced entendre
A double faced entendre is a person who has to completely different personalities 1 being a sweet kind angel and 1 being an envious and greedy devil double faced entendre is a term coined by hit artist Oliver Tree in his hit song "Life goes on"
My girlfriend Anna was an angel but apparently she is a double faced entendre she is just a total asshole
Somebody that has two different personality's,
My Double-faced Entendre girl is hiding what she doe when I'm not around.
Somebody that has two totally different personalities (One side being a angle and the other being a devil)
My ex girlfriend is a Double-Faced Entendre.
Is a being that has two faced personalities. One unbeknownst to you or: one side being the angel whilst the other twiddles in devilry.
The user typically chooses the one being to be displayed.
A Double Faced Entendre in itself may be an example. Being defined. Is purely in many ways self explainable.