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pull a steph

Stephanie Sibounheuang was pnb rocks ex-gf who is believed to had set him up. people may say that they’re finna pull a steph on you, as in set you up.

“keep playin wimme imma pull a steph 😂😂”

by bagchas$a September 27, 2022

Pulling Apex Shit

Doing something so crazy that seems impossible that it works magnificently.

I got a new Helo on Battle Field.

Im gonna be Pulling Apex Shit.

by Mr. Poogie June 21, 2022

Pull A Kimmie

1. to have sex with multiple partners while still in a relationship.

2. an older woman to get intoxicated and have sex with significantly younger men.

3. premeditated rape

1. Did she Pull A Kimmie last night with that 21-yr old?

2. Look at that guy, I am going to fuck him by the end of the night.

by Zelski September 6, 2010

Pulling a Marston

Getting him put on all your credit cards when he wants to have a baby with everybody


by kcsknowsbest February 6, 2022

Pulled an Apple

Suing someone, because you claim you invented it or it resembles an idea or concept you had. Meanwhile it's been around long before you came up with the idea. This can even be the simplest of ideas.

Shaun: You hear about Steve?

John: No, what happened?

Shaun: He claims that Bill stole his idea of folding his shirts into squares. He's threatening to sue.

John: Sounds like Steve pulled an apple.

by burnie10 August 31, 2012

Pulling a Micheal Jackson

The act of changing your skin color to a whiter tone either with paint, as a result of a rare skin disorder, or bleach.

“Bro, Kevin is painting himself white!”

“You’re telling me he’s pulling a Micheal Jackson on himself?!”

by CopperMilllk February 15, 2024

pulling a bylinda

When two best friends come to like each other but the female pulls away from the male so as not to cause problems later on but seriously hurting the male in the process.

it is basically a form of leading on but between best friends.

when the the female and male positions are switched it is called pulling a bobby.

did you know mike and linda were fooling around?

yeah, and mike even asked her out since they are so close but linda, pulling a bylinda, turned him down not wanting to risk their friendship.

by theWinner09 July 19, 2008