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One who lacks coordination

She's so mal-coordinated she could be australian.

by Krzys May 13, 2009

13πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

mal loye

probably the best cricket player in the world... played the best shot in history - sweeping brett lee for 6 !!!!

mal loye is fucking mint

by george12345 June 16, 2008

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Neopronouns usually used by a gay man whom has internalized homophobia and but is in the closet despite their discrimination among the LGBTQ+ and trans community.

They also usually have inflation kinks.

P1: That person's pronouns are nor/mal.
P2: I'll accept nor's pronouns. Their cool.

by fuac2 May 25, 2021

27πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


1: nor/mal are neo pronouns that are used by closeted gay
2: people who refer as nor/mal are also known to have a piss kink

:hey I use nor/mal pronouns

:wow your dick must be small..

by defnoteddie July 12, 2021

18πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

Julia mal

Wants to be a rockstar in the future and live in Spain or Switzerland

Julia mal: I wanna be a rockstar

Julia Malisz: that’s awesome

by Julia malisz November 26, 2020

MAL Rule

Or "MyAnimeList Rule", It's a rule that says: If you see someone who wrote a great review, his favorite works are probably bad when you check his profile.

His review was really great but he likes cheap works, he's a good example of MAL Rule lmao.

by Anonimsus September 17, 2023


Mal-spam (or perhaps malspam) describes all forms of malicious spam sent with malicious intent. Mal-spam includes: phishing, spear-phishing, whaling, baiting, pretexting, among others.

- Payloads can include: Malicious attachments, links to malicious web pages, enticements to perform transactions, ransomware, key loggers, etc.
- Bad things that can happen: man-in-the-middle attacks (woman-in-the-middle attacks too), network compromise, zombie botnets, insertion of zero-day exploits, viruses, trojan horses, rootkits, backdoors, job scams and other scams and code with malicious intent.
- Mal-spam can be hard to spot due to: Sender address spoofing, content that replicates legitimate senders, etc.

Be especially careful to avoid mal-spam, it can really mess up your day. Better off to just delete it. Certainly don't click any links or open attachments.

by PooderHound January 31, 2019