You crazy son of a bitch… you’ve done it.
You have typed every possible key on the keyboard.
so now I say to you, go touch some grass
1234567890°-–—•/\:;()₽¥£$¢€₩&§@«»„“”".…,?¿!¡`‘’' {}#%‰^*+≈≠=_\|~<>€$¥•.…,?¿!¡`‘’'qwŵeèéêëēėęrtyŷūúùüûuìįīíïîiõōøœóòöôopaàáâäæããåāsßśšdfghjkłlzžźżxcçćčvbńñnm QWŴERTYŶŪÚÙÜÛUÌĮĪÍÏÎIÕŌØŒÓÒÖÔOPAÀÁÂÄÆÃÅĀSŚŠDFGHJKŁLZŽŹŻXČĆÇCVBŃÑNM Is where you type every single possible letter and symbol on the keyboard therefore proving that you have no life
7👍 2👎
you have acsended from bored to almost ded congratz
1:bro im so bored
8👍 3👎
dave types 1234567890+asdfghjklæø'<zxcvbnm,.- at work becuse he is very bored
You are in a classroom
You have a computer
You are bored
Person: This class is boring
Person 2: I know right, what shall we do?
Person: I may have had the most brilliant idea.
Person: `1234567890-=?><MNBVCXZasdfghjkl;'|}{POIUYTREWQ
4👍 1👎
if you typed this, you are darn bored
Person: I'm so bored
Person: I'm gonna type in `1234567890-=\poiuytrewqazxsdcfvgbnhjmmk,l.;'/
boredom far beyond qwertyuiop, asdfghjkl, zxcvbnm, qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq.
also all characters on the samsung galaxy a10 keyboard
im going insane1234567890!@#$%^&*()-'":;,?,.qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm+×÷=<>{}€£¥₩/~`¤°♡_\|《》¡¿
3👍 1👎
When someone is so bored that they typed in their whole keyboard 5 times
me:I need a hobby
me:I need a hobby
340👍 62👎