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90'S Toaster Strudel

The act of ejaculating into a VCR, inserting a VHS tape, and watching a full length feature film. Can only be done if the person who ejects the tape is unawares. Watching an entire film allows for the tape, and subsequently the ejaculate, to heat up. After the film ends the unsuspecting victim ejects the tape to reveal luke-warm frothy ejaculate on top of the tape and man-goo stretching from the VCR to the back of the tape as they pull it out. The goal however, is to have the victim pull out the tape to reveal a beautiful zig-zag jizz pattern on top of it. But much like with real toaster strudels the victim just gets the jizz all over their hands. No matter how hard you try to make it look like the commercials you always fuck it up. Common practice among Boomers.

Mark: Hey Kar...Karen! Let's watch Jurassic Park tonight.
Karen: Okay sweetie!
Mark: Hey Kar can you eject the tape my c6 and c7 are giving me trouble again tonight.
Karen: Sure honey.
Karen ejects the tape and gasps. The tape and her hands are now covered in Mark's jizz.
Karen: Oh Mark! Did you just 90's Toaster Strudel me! Oh not again sweety!

by bromatoesoup April 6, 2020

I love the 90's

VH-1 television series which chronicles the still-too-fresh trends and events of the last decade of the 20th century. The show provides the opinions of quasi-celebrities on the decade's useless products, shitty music, bizarro fashions, brainless movies, worthless television, and other elements of cultural bankruptcy which otherwise would be mercifully forgotten by history.

It's depressing how little things change from decade to decade. The stupid shit on I Love the 90's is pretty much the same as the stupid shit on I Love the 80's which is pretty much the same as the stupid shit on I Love the 70's.

by Dr. Mike Roynhertz August 27, 2004

19👍 40👎

90's and early 00's

Was probably the best decade because the economy was changing. Nowadays people care more about when the next iphone, blackberry, or droid is coming out than improving the economy. This was back when video games added lots of new, creative and original things to them. Now all people want is the next Call of Duty and Halo. This was the time when network's like Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network actually lived up to there names. Now there's all this teeny bopper crap on there.

I miss the 90's and early 00's

by bjshepp January 9, 2011

94👍 12👎

90's music

90's music is a loud of crap that is out-of-date and only for the older people. If kids these days listen to 90's music, you need to take them to a mental hospital because they are out of style. I'm not saying that they should listen to the terrible music in 2013 possibly 2014, but most of the music in 2002-2011 are really good music

Dude listen this song! It's 90's music!

Umm no listen to some good music this one is from 2005!

by Lonely lisa June 8, 2014

3👍 67👎

90's Cutoff Kid

A child born in 2000 or 2001 that experienced a portion of the 90's before the technology boom (before dial up was a thing of the past).

"I was born in 2000 and I experienced dial up and stuff."

"Ah, so you're a "90's Cutoff Kid." Makes sense."

by Todxrxki February 25, 2021

2👍 4👎

Cranking 90's

You just build fighted the A.I Chunky bird and destroyed him

"I just cranked some 90's on this chunky bird" "I was Cranking 90's on this Chunky bird"

by GOD IS ME HAHAHAHA December 13, 2021

90’s nut

An orgasm before digital media.

Remember a good ole 90’s nut? Just jerkin’ it off your own imagination, like a sorcerer.

by D. Soder April 19, 2020

1👍 1👎