When you sucked at school or dropped out while your friends didn't, either because you were lazy, poor, or slow (or a mix of two or the three).... and later on it turns out you owned them (whatever the meaning) and they're pretty much in shit.
Steven: Me and my brother both dropped out in 10th grade.. but 15 years later we now co-own a bitchass enterprise and make millions a year. Dylxseia can go kiss my ass.
Laura: Sounds like a case of Bill Gates Syndrome.. :P
If Bill Gates gets a .44 magnum, shoves it in his mouth, and blows his brains out the back of his head live on air, Alex Jones will follow suit the next day; also live on air. Challenge can also be completed by dumping a bucket of gasoline onto oneself (akin to the ALS ice bucket challenge), strapping TNT onto your body, and lighting yourself on fire.
Did you hear what Bill Gates did on Instagram Live? He started The Bill Gates Challenge!
Any large amount of money made by legitimate means
I'm gonna be CEO, I'm gonna make Bill Gates money.
(N)- refers to a large amount of income earned by ligit means as opposed to illegitimate activities.
"Give me that "bill gates money, a little straight money" mainstream money
A great man who is hated by the lowest degenerates of society. He is praised for founding Microsoft, engaging in charitable work and creating vaccination campaigns.
Do you fucking even know who Bill Gates is?
A dying soul with only a few tears left in his eyes. He is loved by everyone yet, he is still in need of his true love to love him back. He has tried many many times but, he has lost his ways sometimes. He is emo most of the time and only could think of his lover/soulmate. He is also a great therapist and is in need of one, too. He cares about people's opinions. Don't mess with him because you'll regret it >:)
Is that Bill Gates?
No, but he is acting like such a Bill Gates.