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Buckle shine

The act of dancing with a lady so close that the fabric of her clothes eventually polishes your belt buckle and leads to the eventual embarrassing hard-on also known as a buckle-shiner.

Buckle shine.
Oh shit man I was dancing with this real hot chick last night, we danced so tight that I ended up with a buckle-shiner.

by Snapple fish the third December 5, 2012

cock buckle

the underside of the penis where the frenulum meets the head.

I hate it when she tickles my cock buckle after I cum

by Lunch Club PCG February 5, 2019


To have one person, while in a car, sits on another person's lap and shares a seat and is buckled together.

There wasn't enough space in the car for everyone, so one or two people had to double-buckle

by Howaidonami June 2, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

blueberry buckle

When a large black woman flosses her ass with a belt, leaving a couple dingleberries on the buckle

"I love this belt, I'm going to take it home and make myself a warm blueberry buckle!

by thejammonster August 7, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

belt buckle

A symbol of social status in the redneck world. The bigger and shinier the buckle, the cooler you are.

"Wow, Jeb! That belt buckle mush have cost you a million bucks! You're cool!"

by Lord Rocky August 2, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Buckle Nut

Unpleasant, often painful condition incurred when a man accidentally gets one testicle caught in his belt buckle.

Tim rocked an ill testicular torsion from his buckle nut.

by Rash Kendar January 30, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

buckle cock

When a male and female are engaged in sexual intercourse and going at it full pelt the males penis accidently slips out but in the heat of the moment goes for an instant re-dock but instead misses the target thus causeing a painfull and instant deformation of the penis in a buckling manner.

hey tom i was going at it hammer n tongs with this tart that i picked up whilst out on the raz last night but about half way through my chubby popped out and the bitch sat right on top of my dick and she gave me a right buckle cock.

by mmmicecream May 9, 2009

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