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the most annoying smart ass anywhere, he can be really loud and he has a suspiciously high voice.

In the end he's just a bitch :)

boy: Omg Felix is so annoying

girl: yeah he's a moron

by ADAMsSSSs November 22, 2021


absolute unit
a lord

“i started dating felix!”
“dont you mean LORD felix?”

by yr mmy March 11, 2021


the kinda guy that you could have a slow-burning crush for. the kind that never quite goes away...

look theres felix. didnt u used to like him?
yeah...sigh... used to...

by mayawithay May 11, 2022


A cool guy who's normally trans and likes Touhou. He's pretty hot and his friends think so too.

Jordyn: damn, Felix is pretty sexy
Abi: Wtf

by iloveboobs125 May 23, 2022


A dude with an amazing personality. He can cook you up some amazing sea bass and is guaranteed to crack you up! Usually has a bald head, although hair also suits him.

Felix is the most popular kid at this school, he's a world class basketball player, a michelin star chef, and rocks a killer bod!

by YABOI42069 June 27, 2017


The sunshine of straykids🥺

"Xin Ying, who is your bias in straykids?"
"Felix :DDD"

by xinyinglikesfelix September 15, 2020


felix is the name of someone who is a very kind and funny person. he always looks out for his friends, and has a sense of humour that outshines everyone. he is an amazing person and deserves the best in this hell of an earth. he is nothing less than perfect.

oh his name is felix? he must be an amazing person!

by diq kweef July 6, 2021