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R-Strategy Mating

So... Noah? Right? Because he's the one who did the thing. Yeah, no, he's a piece of shit. Totally. But so is anyone else doing the thing to me that you are all doing. So there... You all suck. Complete fucking bums.

Hym "On a different note: I am CLEARLY better than everyone. R-Strategy mating is better than an incest ritual. I think I'll just do that."

by Hym Iam July 26, 2024

Strategy Beam

Term the most business-y people of all business people use when referring to a common projector. Everyday people put up information on the projector; the coolest kids utilize a strategy beam.

Let's go hit up the conference room and throw that presentation up on the Strategy Beam so we can build the business case for how our global initiatives are going to holistically synergize our go-to-market approach!

by CoolGuyRandall January 20, 2012

worldwide shortage strategy

The overused and ludicrously transparent procedure of trying to guilt-trip an over-indulger into reducing/eliminating his consumption of the unhealthful/expensive product by trying to appeal to his inherent consideration for fellow humans on the planet who might wish to have a little of the same item for themselves, too. This "this stuff is in alarmingly short supply, so don't hog it all for yourself" technique is seldom overly effective, especially in the modern-day computer age, wherein the glutton can simply “hop online” and find out for himself whether there is actually any imminent risk of said product’s being placed on the endangered species list.

I tried the worldwide shortage strategy on my corpulent cousin to try to convince her to cut back on the chips and chocolate bars, but she just showed me an article on MSNBC that described how the snack-food companies are currently experiencing a junk-food glut in their warehouses, what with so many people’s jumping on the health-nut bandwagon.

by QuacksO April 2, 2016

single balloon strategy

a balloon backbling from fortnite

a caster said the guy was using the single balloon strategy during summer skirmish even though it was a backbling

by rfournier09 December 18, 2020

Old One Strategy

The political calculation that scaring seniors will replace fear of minorities as a ploy to win elections.

The GOP can no longer rely on the Southern strategy so now they are employing the Old One Strategy to win elections

by R. Paine October 24, 2011

bumpin strategies

Chi-town slang 4 being full of bullshit

Fam, you be bumpin strategies

Dude 1: Whats yo strategy?

Dude 2: Man I be goin wit my girl tonight

Dude 1: Man that bitch? You be bumpin strategies

by MaChInE GuN FuNk November 30, 2010

Strategy fact-ory

The intelligence services invented a particular statement to dismiss and or ridicule information which was to close to the truth for them. "Conspiracy theory" is still frequently used today to block any meaningful conversation.

Today I decided to create a counter to that statement with similar elements in it.

I have come across this "strategy fact-ory" in my news feed.

by Alpha2zen November 10, 2020