agree to disagree may be the best idiom to utter (when perhaps underneath that idiom may be several others that could somehow result in a lot of time in jail...or at best a simple painless execution. duh).
Anyone getting the heebee-jeebs yet?
Uh huh. Call me. Now here comes the 'lol' or a warm and fuzzy feeling all over. Get yer motors running...head out on das 'muhing' highway.
Hey, whadda yah say we dun jus agree to disagree. (Silent or audible burp pending--perhaps worse as in the definition above.)
When two or more people think their own opinion is correct when only one person is right
Guy1:Dude,the Clippers suck.
Guy2:No they don't the KNICKS suck.
Guy:Your both wrong.The Spurs are pretty bad.
Guy1:Can't we agree to disagree? This argument is really petty. We both seem to be set in our argument.
Used before a statement of agreement to indicate that the speaker doesn't particularly approve of foul (or just plain rude) language.
Driver: What the hell's this cocksucker doing here? This is the fast lane and he's driving like my gramps!
Passenger: I don't agree with the language, but you're right.
when people agree to you a lot
billy: "udaqhufeuwhhfiewf arghh."
bob: "I agree."
billy; "I'm very agreeful."