Aura based on how much you get glazed/ complimented. This aura type is commonly associated with lions(you lose it for glazing others)
Henry Spann has kingly aura.
Definition, an aura that radiates from an Alan that is too strong to be withheld from in the presence of one
I was writing an exam and the alan aura struck me like a lightning bolt.
To try and look tough even when there's no obligation to
Did you see how that guy walked down the hall? There's no way he wasn't tryna aura farm.
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A smell, stench, and force radiating from an individual from not showering, or going outside for multiple days in a row.
Yo, when I always know when Thomas walks into a room, because I smell his Gamer Aura.
In basic terms, it describes a persons spotlight. If someone has the most Aura in a room the spotlight is basically on them. A combination of having the most energy, influence and impact. If your Aura is low then you could leave the room and nobody would care/notice.
Mostly a rare and forced slang.
Synonyms: Relevancy, Popularity, Swag.
Example 1:
"Jacks Aura (Hood) is MJ level."
"Bro stop dickriding, you wanna be his girl or something?"
Example 2:
"Dang, she got Aura for real."
"Facts, she doesn't even have to do anything for you to notice."
A form of self-presentation that connotes that one is a big stinking deal. This is actually hardly ever the case, especially in backwards places like the Midwest, where everyone is middle-classed and buys their clothing from an outlet mall. However, to imitate one who is worthy of coolness is to have a coolness aura is to be cool.
"I can't write him back right away. It will destroy my coolness aura."
"I only hand out a like every once and a while to maintain my coolness aura."
"I gave her a nasty look. Not for any real reason. Unless that reason is coolness aura..."