Phrase used to describe the screed that passes a bubber's lips when his or her tongue is loosened by the drink.
"Stop your bub-bawling berk, the rotgut's got a hold on your tongue."
A bawl/fight that is taken place in a backstreet. Usually used as a threat. Commonly said by Australian youths.
Idiot: fight me
Person: nah mate let's have a backstreet bawl
Idiot: a what?
Person: exactly
balling often means sexual intercouse.
Bawling means you are crying hard
Balling vs bawling
Josh was Balling Charlotte.
My cat died and I am bawling.
These are two very different words that sound exactly the same
When you're jonesing to cum or something
"hey man, I'm really jonesing to cum right now can you watch my dog real quick before I get blue bawls"
Acronym for Boomer Angry White Liberals. pronounced the same as Balls (bɑ lz).
Lady BAWLS are the worst type of BAWLS.