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Beige flag

Beige flags are a sign that someone is boring or lacks originality.

Beige flags are often generic or very cliche things that many people put in their profiles. Examples are:

- Pictures holding fish
- Statements about tacos
- mentioning the relationships of TV characters
- Offering the choice to ride or die

- Not writing anything in the profile section

Her profile said "I love to laugh." Who doesn't like to laugh? How boring are you if that's all you can think of to tell people? That is the biggest beige flag of all

by Wordiculous September 2, 2022

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Beige Rage

When an individual has an obsession with the whitest black people, usually those with a white parent and a mixed parent

"Wow I love that mixed boy"
"He's not even mixed he looks white"

"No he's mixed I think I have some serious beige rage"

by Someone.else May 27, 2017

13πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Beige Tower

The best webhost ever. Offers free MySQL, PostgreSQL, PHP, email, and web hosting with a dozen dedicated servers in multiple datacenters. Community based off IRC and forums.

My webpage is hosted for free at www.Beigetower.org

by Jazzy April 23, 2004

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Newcastle Beige

A cocktail consisting of half a pint of Newcastle brown ale and half a pint of Smirnoff Ice that tastes like shandy.

Mixing your drinks is easy with Newcastle Beige.

by Mohammered October 6, 2007

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Beige flag

A beige flag is not a red flag or a green flag neither but it's something that makes your partner annoying.

A: My boyfriend always forgets where is phone is.
B: that's such a beige flag.

by Tratraffy May 18, 2023

24πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Beige mom

A beige mom is a mother who fiends for the color beige this mother will only give their child sad beige toys (usually wooden) along with dress them in only beige you may be wondering why would a mother deprive their child of a bright colorful life well these mothers go feral for even a speck of dust that doesn’t match their beige aesthetic therefore being a sad beige mom with sad beige babies

β€œHey dude did you see Shelly’s new TikTok”

β€œYea dude she is really Turing into a beige mom”

by iDontKnowWhatsGoingOn26 February 23, 2023

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Beige nosing

To brown nose someone just a little, without kissing serious ring.

Man, Graham was sickening this morning in the CEO's office, he was beige nosing like a mother fucker.

by Greenery August 13, 2008

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