Canadian slang term for weed pens. Comes from a misspelling of “haul on the bitch”
“What you doing?”
“Not much, just hauled on the birch”
A word which is made by a 5 yr old IQ -100 childish girl who only knows how to watch peppa pig and drink milk
You birch
A word made by a 5 yr old girl with -100 IQ trying to social but didn’t succeed since she’s immature and childish who only know how to watch peppa pig and drink milk
You birch
A type of wood that attracts the ladies. Known for it’s romantic blue flame.
I lit a fire with some Birch logs and got laid instantly.
I was at a non fire. We through in the Birch and the woman came from everywhere.
You tried to text your bitch ass friend bitch but it auto corrected to birch and now you gotta stick to birch and use it as a more hurtful and personal replacement of bitch
You: man fuck your birch ass
Friend: ahhh you can’t spell
You: I ment that