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A yorkshire term for shit, coined from the Portuguese beer with a shitty smell.

I was shagging this lass up the arse and I got bock cock!

Two seconds mate, I need a super bock

by sevenracoon May 13, 2022


A man who is unaware of the political party that he may belong to, anything he speaks on or looks at will become instantly mushed

Bock didn't know he was a democrat for over 36 years.

by TheDragonSlayor24 April 25, 2022


A way to rate guys with your friends. A "Bock" is an attractive guy, but a "Bock Bock" is an extremely hot guy.

Did you see the Bock Bock that just walked by?!?

by Gator77 March 9, 2020


Verb: To have the most vigorous sex with the most manliest man.

I got bocked so hard last night.

by Sneezyelf March 13, 2018


a penis that has been surgically attached to your anus

fuck i'd love to sit on your bock

by bocklord April 30, 2022


a nickname used for the bockosaur

bock has apperead

by bockosaureexzasdasd April 24, 2018

Incredi-Butch Bock

Incredible lesbo with sweet poser powers. most powerful move is "The Stray Poon" which allows you to ward off sweet poon with "trim" haircut.

hey dude, i seen this sweet poon headed my way and this "Incredi-Butch Bock" showed up and deflected the 'Gina'

by Incredi-Butch March 22, 2010