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Dirty Boyle

The art of dodging entries into a radioactive field by blaming diarrhea.

That asshole did me the dirty boyle

by August 7, 2023

The Dirty Boyle

Getting so drunk that when you come home you piss, puke or shit all over the house, occasionally involving the children’s toys

I can’t come out tonight lads, the Mrs is still poised about the last time I came home and did the dirty Boyle everywhere.

by bsmsfunnelmaster September 29, 2022

Izaiah Boyle

Fat Man that makes others feel bad because of his own insecurities

You’re ugly”-Izaiah Boyle
“Bro why did you say that”-James
“Because I’m a fat pos”- Izaiah

“Fuck you fat ass”- James

by Saggyballsack69niqqacum August 1, 2020


verb: meaning cursed

1. Invoke or use a curse against.

Sample 1: Timmy felt Boyled when it came to dating since all he could date was crack hoes.

Sample 2: The WV Mountaineers were Boyled to win any game of significance.

by Loyal Mountaineer Fan November 12, 2013

Sam boyle

He is the Zaza king

Sam Boyle has so much zaza

by Sam Boyle loves zaza March 6, 2023


To Boyle means to be over affectionate. The Boyle is called after Charles Boyle from Brooklyn 99.

Person A: I love you!
Person B: sir this is a chipotle drive through, you’re such a Boyle.

by Sure am not Sarah March 23, 2021


Joshua (an absolute gun)

u r gay unlike boyle

by lazar lazar sdacfgtyd November 22, 2019