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You must not HAVE a brain if you're looking up what it means...

"That idiot over there must not have a brain. He's trying to drink a brick..."

by Furyfreeze2005 October 30, 2017


"Brain" is a slang word to describe ones scrotum, usually used to describe a man named Sunho

Girl 1: Damn he has a really wrinkled brain

Girl 2: IKR i love it
Girl 1: When I put it in my mouth, it feels huge
Ant-eater Sunho

by We Love U Sunho March 6, 2016


It's what Zombies eat. They like brains.

...Brains? ..braaaiinss...

by Carraaaannn802 February 1, 2011


A vital organ Liberal Leftists, UMNO (Uniting Morons National Organisation) supporters, PAS (Pedophile Association Semenanjung) lack

Oh look. Umno supporters trying to sound smart as if they have a brain

by PenyokongUmno December 8, 2018


White slang for dick.

Bill: "Hey, Amy. You know I've got a big brain."
Amy: "Yeah, I know. Why don't you show me all the things it can do?"

by theredcup September 8, 2019


something FNAF Fanboys don't have

FNAF Fanboys don't have a Brain

by XboxReligion January 27, 2022


A brain is a grey slime filled organ inside the body that helps you to stay alive. It creates paths every time you think of something and uses the opposite side for body parts.

1) Left Side of Brain - Right Side of Body
2) Right Side of Brain - Left Side of Body
3) Think of Cars - Path through your brain.
4) Yes your brain is grey not pink!

by Iron Shauna 04 August 15, 2017