When an MCU fan has a breakdown over the latest movie release.
Symptoms include:
-Hysterical crying
-Rambling about the movie
-Further obsession with Marvel
"When Peter Parker died in Infinity War I had a Marvel Breakdown"
The type of breakdown the consists of random "machine gun" fire guitar bursts that are accompanied by a double bass drum and bass guitar for a deep and heavy effect. This type of breakdown is usually found in types of metalcore/hardcore music. The August Burns Red album "Messengers" relies on these breakdowns very heavily, hence the name "messenger breakdown". These breakdowns usually cause the crowd to either headbang in one fluid motion, or spawn huge mosh pits.
"The new August Burns Red album doesn't have that many messenger breakdowns in it"
"The breakdown at the end of Symphony in Peril's "Stilletto" is epic, but it's no messenger breakdown"
"All hardcore music should have at least one messenger breakdown to be considered moshpit ready"
August Burns Red's "Up Against the Ropes" 0:35-1:02 is just one example.
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Also known as FB
A fangirl who cries because of their unlikely chance of ever meeting them, befrending them, or having some sort of relationship between them.
A fangirl who fangirls too much from stalking their senpai and cries because of their unlikely chance to at least befriend them.
Omfg, Kaitlyn's having another FB. She just can't stop stalking Harry Styles.
'Ughhh, Kaitlyn, stop having so many fangirl breakdowns.'
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Happens when a language is changed and is not fully mastered. The ability to make others to understand is put down by a huge percentage. The communication between is slowed down, pronunciation of words is often a problem and the forming of words is not as quick as you want them to be, therefore the timing gets fucked up. The response of body language is more emphasized than it already is but is frequently interpreted wrong. So, keep an extra eye of how the body is acting.
You may end up feeling stupid when a language barrier hits hard.
- ΒΏDΓ³nde estΓ‘ la playa?
- What? Play? Damn, I should have pay attention at spanish class. This is such a communication breakdown.
- ΒΏQue?..
Extreme example-
American: Do you know the way to the beach?
Non-English Speaking: γγγ
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what I'm having right now
hey guess what
I'm having a mental breakdown lol
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a mental breakdown, extreme anxiety that occurs to the unemployed and well taken-care of, sometimes trustfund middle 20's children. Done usually in between manicure / pedicure, chiropractor, and personal trainer appointments. Used to gain attention from friends who think you have lost touch with since you became so wrapped up in your world of doing nothing all day.
Friend 1: "I'm not sure what is wrong with me. I've been having panic attacks, I'm all stressed out about thinking about returning to work someday, getting up at noon just about kills me... I think I'm going crazy."
Friend 2: "Nice to hear from you. I think you are having a luxury breakdown. Glad you have found something to occupy your days with."
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Any emotional meltdown that occurs before, after or during a menstruation cycle.
Don't worry about what she said, she's just having a menstrual breakdown.