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Bright Bomber

A Fortnite slut

Bright bombers are thicc

by Bright gunner May 30, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

bright (noun)

The Brights, an international
Internet constituency of individuals.

A bright is a person who has a naturalistic worldview

A bright's worldview is free of
supernatural and mystical elements

The ethics and actions of a bright
are based on a naturalistic worldview

Are all Brights atheists? Probably, but all atheists are not Brights

by Phil March 4, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bright spark

referring to a complete idiot in a sarcastic way. Comes from Caboolture,a suburb in Brisbane Australia,famed for its many Bright Sparks.

"Oh,she knows how to make coffee,wow,,she's a real bright spark!"

by Andrew Terry January 26, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

bright flight

Bright flight is the sociologic and demographic term denoting a trend wherein everyone smart enough to realize there is nothing of value to be gained, economically or culturally, flees their community as the affluency of a geographic area decreases. Anyone able to contribute to advancing society will follow jobs and opportunities out of town, leaving a wasteland of mouth-breathers and neanderthals behind them.

Detroit fell to shit in the 70s due to White Flight, but the entire Detroit Metro Area was devastated beyond repair in the 00s due to Bright Flight.

by Coleman Young March 4, 2010

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bright lights

A term to describe police officers in police cars.

Time to leave, the bright lights are coming. I can't go to jail again.

by Brett Laymon April 13, 2007

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Bright Eyes

An amazing band of which only a very few truly appreciate.
to really appreciate the music of Bright Eyes you have to feel like when the words are being sung you could've wrote them yourself.

there is no truth, there is only you and what you make the truth.-bright eyes

by brizutus June 20, 2007

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bright eyes

defines the meaning of the word indie

by june August 26, 2003

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